* sys-apps/portage
    ::gentoo                  ( 2.2.1 2.2.6(~) 2.2.7* (9999)KU {:0}
    ::installed               2.2.7 {:0}
    ::layman                  ( (in ::crg))X ( (in ::crg))X ( (in ::crg))X ( (in ::OSSDL))X ( (in ::regen2-overlay))X (2.2_rc67 (in ::neuvoo))X (2.2_rc67-r1 (in ::neuvoo))X (2.2.0_alpha101 (in ::daks))X (2.2.0_alpha179 (in ::regen2-overlay))X (2.2.0_alpha192 (in ::ixit))X (2.2.6-r1 (in ::multilib))X (8888 (in ::gentoo-guis))X (9999 (in ::neuvoo))X {:0}
    Description               Portage is the package management and distribution system for Gentoo
    Homepage                  http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/portage/index.xml
    From repositories         gentoo
    Installed time            Sat Oct 19 20:05:25 EDT 2013
    Installed using           paludis-1.4.0
    License                   GPL-2
    Use flags                 
        Build Options         
            -trace            Trace actions executed by the package (very noisy, for debugging broken builds only)
    Description               Portage is the package management and distribution system for Gentoo
    Homepage                  http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/portage/index.xml
    Maintainers               <dev-portage@gentoo.org>
    Use flags                 
            -build            !!internal use only!! DO NOT SET THIS FLAG YOURSELF!, used for creating build images and the first half of bootstrapping [make stage1]
            -doc              Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
            -epydoc           Build html API documentation with epydoc.
            (ipc)             Use inter-process communication between portage and running ebuilds.
            (-pypy2_0)        Use pypy-c2.0 as Python interpreter.
            python2           Use python2 as Python interpreter.
            -python3          Use python3 as Python interpreter.
            (-selinux)        !!internal use only!! Security Enhanced Linux support, this must be set by the selinux profile or breakage will occur
            xattr             Add support for extended attributes (filesystem-stored metadata)
            -ru               Russian locale
            -pypy2_0          Build with PyPy 2.0
            -python2_6        Build with Python 2.6
            python2_7         Build with Python 2.7
            -python3_2        Build with Python 3.2
            -python3_3        Build with Python 3.3
            (-python3_4)      Build with Python 3.4
        Build Options         
            symbols=compress  How to handle debug symbols in installed files
                              Permitted values:
                                  compress:  Split and compress debug symbols
                                  preserve:  Preserve debug symbols
                                  split:     Split debug symbols
                                  strip:     Strip debug symbols
            dwarf_compress    Compress DWARF2+ debug information
            -optional_tests   Run tests considered by the package to be optional
            -trace            Trace actions executed by the package (very noisy, for debugging broken builds only)
            work=tidyup       Whether to preserve or remove working directories
                              Permitted values:
                                  leave:     Do not remove, but allow destructive merges
                                  preserve:  Perserve the working directory
                                  remove:    Always remove the working directory
                                  tidyup:    Tidy up work directory after a successful build